Category Archives: SUNDAY MASS at 9.30 am


The artist Mr.  Caesar Catin  did an excellent job on the painting of the mural with angels adoring the Blessed Sacrament.P1130600





My dream, design and proposal became reality by the persistence of Fr. Conan Shillingford.
This is the kind of artwork we need in our churches and chapels.P1130599

The chapel under construction in CALIBISHIE update Sept 2014

Artist Caesar CATIN at Calibishie chapel Sept 2014

Artist Caesar CATIN at Calibishie chapel Sept 2014


Since the destruction caused by hurricane DEAN in 2007, the Catholics in Calibishie have been without a proper Place of Worship.

They are like the Israelites wandering in the desert.  First they were allowed to use the government school for Sunday Mass. This was declared unsafe  some time ago. Then they move to a former disco in expectation that their new chapel would be built.  Design Calibishie chapel








In August 2012, after much fundraising, delays and prayers, the new chapel was finally started.

In January 2013, several days of voluntary labour (cou-de-main) completed the concrete floor and the walls.

As soon they were able, the people moved in and Sunday Eucharist celebrations has now been taken place in the unfinished chapel building.Eucharistic celebration in unfinished chapel in CALIBISHIE

Holy Mass in chapel under construction in Calibishie
Holy Mass in chapel under construction in Calibishie












We admire the dedication , patience and determination of the Catholics in Calibishie.